World’s Most Unique Speaker


Escape Artist Michael Griffin Survived A Public Hanging To Help Others Learn The Art Of Hanging In There.

Tony Robbins, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gary Vaynerchuk, are some of the greatest motivational speakers in the world right now. Michael Griffin may be the world’s most unusual one….

There are so many roads one can travel in their own life, they say the journey is the reward, not the destination, so, when as a 16-year-old Michael Griffin was asked by his psychiatrist father what kind of car he wanted for his birthday and replied I don’t want a car I want a straitjacket, the odds are good, this is gonna be an interesting journey. A path that took the death defier to the bottom of the ocean in Houdini’s box, a trip to Singapore in which he was almost executed because it was thought he escaped a box by dematerializing. A path that led him to be on the back of a horse tied into a hangman’s noose around his neck and survive an actual hanging, a path that helped him capture a murderer while still tied up and also getting another time, 1200 people out of a burning building again, while he was tied up, and yes, even sealed into an airtight coffin, or being suspended head-down with a 65-pound ball and chain around his neck and hands and legs cuffed lowered to the bottom of a lake.

Talk about motivation! Motivation in the highest sense to stay alive and somewhere within him the need overtime to share a most unusual message of motivation to thousands of people helping them “Pick the locks to their mental blocks

I Will Escape! -

Say Outloud

I Will Escape! - Say Outloud

Michael Griffin started out with doors wide-open in Hollywood, CA for the young blonde-haired blue-eyed athletic teen with a talent for mystery and a knack for escape. Escape to center stage when a Hollywood A-lister’s manager took Griffin under his wing and started to groom him for various opportunities in which Griffin was eager to join in, not knowing that those opportunities involved drug use at parties and even worse, to allow older industry players to compromise him in potentially sexually abusive ways.

This may have been one of Michael’s greatest escapes as he recalls “my manager had asked me to do these parties in Hollywood at which I was to be ‘available’ to any producers that hit on me, including using drugs.” I told him “no freaking way” He actually told me I’d never work in this town again. “scared me to death but no way was I doing that and drugs so I left town”.

Griffin spent the next 30 years escaping from almost every conceivable restraint known and many not known but created to beat him and win his $100,000.00 Worldwide Challenge which had grown from $1,000.00 over the years.

During one daring escape in which he almost lost his life, a reporter asked him after the show at what point did he decide to start sharing his motivational messages? Griffin replied that he wasn’t aware that it was happening but if it helps anyone then that may be the greatest magic and at that point, he started branching out into the arena of speaking.

He found out that using his magic and escapes and his ability to help people laugh, Griffin could actually make a difference in lives. Griffin said “my dad in his psychiatry practice used humor. He and other doctors found it much better to have the patient laughing or focused on something else and then bring the message in thru the back when the guard is down, so to speak”. That’s what I do. I entertain them and subtly slip messages of motivation in and, it’s so rewarding. I’ve had folks reach out to me years later. Telling me about how, because of the messages in the shows they had either never done drugs. They had escaped the imaginary straitjacket they wore, freeing themselves to much better circumstances!

Griffin may never rise to the great heights of speaker superstardom like Tony Robbins and Gary Vaynerchuk , but it’s probably a pretty safe bet neither of those two will find themselves in straitjackets giving out much-needed motivation having helped others escape.

To learn more about Michael Griffin’s Unique Motivational Speaking Please visit: Michael Griffin Motivates